Package sambo

SAMBO - Sequential and Model-Based Optimization [in Python]

Sambo is a global optimization framework for finding approximate global optima† of arbitrary high-dimensional objective functions in the least number of function evaluations. Function evaluations are considered the "expensive" resource (it can sometimes take weeks to obtain results!), so it's important to find good-enough solutions in as few steps as possible (whence sequential).

The main tools in this Python optimization toolbox are:

  • function minimize(), a near drop-in replacement for scipy.optimize.minimize(),
  • class Optimizer with an ask-and-tell user interface, supporting arbitrary scikit-learn-like surrogate models, with Bayesian optimization estimators like gaussian process and extra trees, built in,
  • SamboSearchCV, a much faster drop-in replacement for scikit-learn's GridSearchCV and similar exhaustive machine-learning hyper-parameter tuning methods, but compared to unpredictable stochastic methods, informed.

The algorithms and methods implemented by or used in this package are:

This open-source project was heavily inspired by scikit-optimize project, which now seems helplessly defunct.

The project is one of the better optimizers around according to [benchmark].

† The contained algorithms seek to minimize your objective f(x). If you instead need the maximum, simply minimize -f(x). 💡



The module contains functions for plotting convergence, regret, partial dependence, sequence of evaluations …


def minimize(fun: Callable[[numpy.ndarray], float],
x0: tuple[float] | list[tuple[float]] | None = None,
args: tuple = (),
bounds: list[tuple] | None = None,
constraints: Callable[[numpy.ndarray], bool] | scipy.optimize._constraints.NonlinearConstraint | None = None,
max_iter: int = 2147483647,
method: Literal['shgo', 'sceua', 'smbo'] = 'shgo',
tol: float = 1e-06,
n_iter_no_change: int | None = None,
y0: float | list[float] | None = None,
callback: Callable[[sambo._util.OptimizeResult], bool] | None = None,
n_jobs: int = 1,
disp: bool = False,
rng: int | numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState | numpy.random._generator.Generator | None = None,
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def minimize(
        fun: Callable[[np.ndarray], float],
        x0: Optional[tuple[float] | list[tuple[float]]] = None,
        args: tuple = (),
        bounds: Optional[list[tuple]] = None,
        constraints: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], bool] | NonlinearConstraint] = None,
        max_iter: int = INT32_MAX,
        method: Literal['shgo', 'sceua', 'smbo'] = 'shgo',
        tol: float = FLOAT32_PRECISION,
        # x_tol: float = FLOAT32_PRECISION,
        n_iter_no_change: Optional[int] = None,
        y0: Optional[float | list[float]] = None,
        callback: Optional[Callable[[OptimizeResult], bool]] = None,
        n_jobs: int = 1,
        disp: bool = False,
        rng: Optional[int | np.random.RandomState | np.random.Generator] = None,
    Find approximate optimum of an objective function in the
    least number of evaluations.

    fun : Callable[[np.ndarray], float], optional
        Objective function to minimize. Must take a single array-like argument
        x (parameter combination) and return a scalar y (cost value).

    x0 : tuple or list[tuple], optional
        Initial guess(es) or starting point(s) for the optimization.

    args : tuple, optional
        Additional arguments to pass to the objective function and constraints.

    bounds : list[tuple], optional
        Bounds for parameter variables.
        Should be a sequence of (min, max) pairs for each dimension,
        or an enumeration of nominal values. For any dimension,
        if `min` and `max` are integers, the dimension is assumed to be _integral_.
        If `min` or `max` are floats, the dimension is assumed to be _real_.
        In all other cases including if more than two values are provided,
        the dimension is assumed to be an _enumeration_ of values.
        See _Examples_ below.

        .. note:: Nominals are represented as ordinals
            Categorical (nominal) enumerations, although often not inherently ordered,
            are internally represented as integral dimensions.
            If this appears to significantly affect your results
            (e.g. if your nominals span many cases),
            you may need to [one-hot encode] your nominal variables manually.

        [one-hot encode]:

        .. warning:: Mind the dot
            If optimizing your problem fails to produce expected results,
            make sure you're not specifying integer dimensions where real
            floating values would make more sense.

    constraints : Callable[[np.ndarray], bool], optional
        Function representing constraints.
        Must return True iff the parameter combination x satisfies the constraints.

            >>> minimize(..., constraints=lambda x: (lb < x <= ub))

    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations (objective function evaluations) allowed.

    method : {'shgo', 'sceua', 'smbo'}, default='shgo'
        Global optimization algorithm to use. Options are:

        * `"shgo"` – [simplicial homology global optimization] (SHGO; from SciPy),
          [assures quick convergence] to global minimum for Lipschitz-smooth functions;
        * `"smbo"` – [surrogate model-based optimization], for which you can pass
          your own `estimator=` (see `**kwargs`), robust, but slowest of the bunch;
        * `"sceua"` – [shuffled complex evolution (SCE-UA)] (with a few tweaks,
           marked in the source), a good, time-tested all-around algorithm
           similar to [Nelder-Mead],
           provided it's initialized with sufficient `n_complexes` and `complex_size`
           kwargs ([canonical literature] suggests reference values
           `n_complexes >= 3 * len(bounds)` and
           `complex_size = 2 * len(bounds) + 1`,
           but we find good performance using `complex_size=2`,
           allowing for more complexes and more complex evolutions for given `max_iter`).

        [simplicial homology global optimization]:
        [assures quick convergence]:
        [surrogate model-based optimization]:
        [shuffled complex evolution (SCE-UA)]:
        [canonical literature]:

        .. caution:: Default method SHGO is only appropriate for Lipschitz-smooth functions
            Smooth functions have gradients that vary gradually, while non-smooth functions
            exhibit abrupt changes (e.g. neighboring values of categorical variables),
            sharp corners (e.g. function `abs()`),
            discontinuities (e.g. function `tan()`),
            or unbounded growth (e.g. function `exp()`).

            If your objective function is more of the latter kind,
            you might prefer to set one of the other methods.

    n_iter_no_change : int, optional
        Number of iterations with no improvement before stopping.
        Default is method-dependent.

    tol : float, default FLOAT32_PRECISION
        Tolerance for convergence. Optimization stops when
        found optimum improvements are below this threshold.

    y0 : float or tuple[float], optional
        Initial value(s) of the objective function corresponding to `x0`.

    callback : Callable[[OptimizeResult], bool], optional
        A callback function that is called after each iteration.
        The optimization stops If the callback returns True or
        raises `StopIteration`.

    n_jobs : int, default 1
        Number of objective function evaluations to run in parallel.
        Most applicate when n_candidates > 1.

    disp : bool, default False
        Display progress and intermediate results.

    rng : int or np.random.RandomState or np.random.Generator, optional
        Random number generator or seed for reproducibility.

    **kwargs : dict, optional
        Additional optional parameters to pass to optimization function.
        Popular options are:

        * for `method="shgo"`: `n_init` (number of initial points), `sampling_method="halton"`,
        * for `method="smbo"`: `n_init`, `n_candidates`, `n_models`, `estimator`
          (for explanation, see class `sambo.Optimizer`),
        * for `method="sceua"`: `n_complexes`, `complex_size` (as in [SCE-UA] algorithm),


    Basic constrained 10-dimensional example:
    >>> from scipy.optimize import rosen
    >>> from sambo import minimize
    >>> result = minimize(rosen, bounds=[(-2, 2)] * 10,
    ...                   constraints=lambda x: sum(x) <= len(x))
    >>> result
     message: Optimization terminated successfully.
     success: True
         fun: 0.0
           x: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
        nfev: 1036
          xv: [[-2 -2 ... -2 1]
               [-2 -2 ... -2 1]
               [1 1 ... 1 1]
               [1 1 ... 1 1]]
        funv: [ 1.174e+04  1.535e+04 ...  0.000e+00  0.000e+00]

    A more elaborate example, minimizing an objective function of three variables:
    one integral, one real, and one nominal variable (see `bounds=`).
    >>> def demand(x):
    ...     n_roses, price, advertising_costs = x
    ...     # Ground truth model: Demand falls with price, but grows if you advertise
    ...     demand = 20 - 2*price + .1*advertising_costs
    ...     return n_roses < demand
    >>> def objective(x):
    ...     n_roses, price, advertising_costs = x
    ...     production_costs = 1.5 * n_roses
    ...     profits = n_roses * price - production_costs - advertising_costs
    ...     return -profits
    >>> bounds = [
    ...     (0, 100),  # From zero to at most roses per day
    ...     (.5, 9.),  # Price per rose sold
    ...     (10, 20, 100),  # Advertising budget
    ... ]
    >>> from sambo import minimize
    >>> result = minimize(fun=objective, bounds=bounds, constraints=demand)

    * Endres, S.C., Sandrock, C. & Focke, W.W. A simplicial homology algorithm for Lipschitz optimisation. J Glob Optim 72, 181–217 (2018).
    * Duan, Q.Y., Gupta, V.K. & Sorooshian, S. Shuffled complex evolution approach for effective and efficient global minimization. J Optim Theory Appl 76, 501–521 (1993).
    * Koziel, Slawomir, and Leifur Leifsson. Surrogate-based modeling and optimization. New York: Springer, 2013.
    * Head, T., Kumar, M., Nahrstaedt, H., Louppe, G., & Shcherbatyi, I. (2021). scikit-optimize/scikit-optimize (v0.9.0). Zenodo.
    """  # noqa: E501
    from sambo._space import Space
    constraints = _sanitize_constraints(constraints)
    rng = _check_random_state(rng)
    bounds, x0, y0 = _check_bounds(bounds, x0, y0, assert_numeric=False)
    space = Space(bounds, constraints, rng=rng)
    bounds = tuple(space)

    fun = _Args0TransformingFunc(fun, space.inverse_transform)
    if constraints is not None:
        constraints = _Args0TransformingFunc(constraints, space.inverse_transform)
    if callback is not None:
        callback = _Args0TransformingFunc(callback, space.inverse_transform_result)

    if method == 'shgo':
        from sambo._shgo import shgo as minimize_func
    elif method == 'sceua':
        from sambo._sceua import sceua as minimize_func
    elif method == 'smbo':
        from sambo._smbo import smbo as minimize_func
        assert False, f'Invalid method= parameter: {method!r}. Pls RTFM'

    if n_iter_no_change is not None:
        # Pass this iff specified b/c algos have different default values
        kwargs['n_iter_no_change'] = n_iter_no_change

    res = minimize_func(
        fun, x0, args=args, bounds=bounds, constraints=constraints,
        max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol, callback=callback, y0=y0,
        n_jobs=n_jobs, disp=disp, rng=rng, **kwargs
    res = space.inverse_transform_result(res) = space
    return res

Find approximate optimum of an objective function in the least number of evaluations.


fun : Callable[[np.ndarray], float], optional
Objective function to minimize. Must take a single array-like argument x (parameter combination) and return a scalar y (cost value).
x0 : tuple or list[tuple], optional
Initial guess(es) or starting point(s) for the optimization.
args : tuple, optional
Additional arguments to pass to the objective function and constraints.
bounds : list[tuple], optional

Bounds for parameter variables. Should be a sequence of (min, max) pairs for each dimension, or an enumeration of nominal values. For any dimension, if min and max are integers, the dimension is assumed to be integral. If min or max are floats, the dimension is assumed to be real. In all other cases including if more than two values are provided, the dimension is assumed to be an enumeration of values. See Examples below.

Note: Nominals are represented as ordinals

Categorical (nominal) enumerations, although often not inherently ordered, are internally represented as integral dimensions. If this appears to significantly affect your results (e.g. if your nominals span many cases), you may need to one-hot encode your nominal variables manually.

Warning: Mind the dot

If optimizing your problem fails to produce expected results, make sure you're not specifying integer dimensions where real floating values would make more sense.

constraints : Callable[[np.ndarray], bool], optional
Function representing constraints. Must return True iff the parameter combination x satisfies the constraints.
>>> minimize(..., constraints=lambda x: (lb < x <= ub))
max_iter : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations (objective function evaluations) allowed.
method : {'shgo', 'sceua', 'smbo'}, default='shgo'

Global optimization algorithm to use. Options are:

Caution: Default method SHGO is only appropriate for Lipschitz-smooth functions

Smooth functions have gradients that vary gradually, while non-smooth functions exhibit abrupt changes (e.g. neighboring values of categorical variables), sharp corners (e.g. function abs()), discontinuities (e.g. function tan()), or unbounded growth (e.g. function exp()).

If your objective function is more of the latter kind, you might prefer to set one of the other methods.

n_iter_no_change : int, optional
Number of iterations with no improvement before stopping. Default is method-dependent.
tol : float, default FLOAT32_PRECISION
Tolerance for convergence. Optimization stops when found optimum improvements are below this threshold.
y0 : float or tuple[float], optional
Initial value(s) of the objective function corresponding to x0.
callback : Callable[[OptimizeResult], bool], optional
A callback function that is called after each iteration. The optimization stops If the callback returns True or raises StopIteration.
n_jobs : int, default 1
Number of objective function evaluations to run in parallel. Most applicate when n_candidates > 1.
disp : bool, default False
Display progress and intermediate results.
rng : int or np.random.RandomState or np.random.Generator, optional
Random number generator or seed for reproducibility.
**kwargs : dict, optional

Additional optional parameters to pass to optimization function. Popular options are:

  • for method="shgo": n_init (number of initial points), sampling_method="halton",
  • for method="smbo": n_init, n_candidates, n_models, estimator (for explanation, see class Optimizer),
  • for method="sceua": n_complexes, complex_size (as in SCE-UA algorithm),


Basic constrained 10-dimensional example:

>>> from scipy.optimize import rosen
>>> from sambo import minimize
>>> result = minimize(rosen, bounds=[(-2, 2)] * 10,
...                   constraints=lambda x: sum(x) <= len(x))
>>> result
 message: Optimization terminated successfully.
 success: True
     fun: 0.0
       x: [1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1]
    nfev: 1036
      xv: [[-2 -2 ... -2 1]
           [-2 -2 ... -2 1]
           [1 1 ... 1 1]
           [1 1 ... 1 1]]
    funv: [ 1.174e+04  1.535e+04 ...  0.000e+00  0.000e+00]

A more elaborate example, minimizing an objective function of three variables: one integral, one real, and one nominal variable (see bounds=).

>>> def demand(x):
...     n_roses, price, advertising_costs = x
...     # Ground truth model: Demand falls with price, but grows if you advertise
...     demand = 20 - 2*price + .1*advertising_costs
...     return n_roses < demand
>>> def objective(x):
...     n_roses, price, advertising_costs = x
...     production_costs = 1.5 * n_roses
...     profits = n_roses * price - production_costs - advertising_costs
...     return -profits
>>> bounds = [
...     (0, 100),  # From zero to at most roses per day
...     (.5, 9.),  # Price per rose sold
...     (10, 20, 100),  # Advertising budget
... ]
>>> from sambo import minimize
>>> result = minimize(fun=objective, bounds=bounds, constraints=demand)



class OptimizeResult (*args, **kwargs)
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class OptimizeResult(_OptimizeResult):
    Optimization result. Most fields are inherited from
    `scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult`, with additional attributes: `xv`, `funv`, `model`.
    success: bool  #: Whether or not the optimizer exited successfully.
    message: str  #: More detailed cause of optimization termination.
    x: np.ndarray  #: The solution of the optimization, `shape=(n_features,)`.
    fun: np.ndarray  #: Value of objective function at `x`, aka the observed minimum.
    nfev: int  #: Number of objective function evaluations.
    nit: int  #: Number of iterations performed by the optimization algorithm.
    xv: np.ndarray  #: All the parameter sets that have been tried, in sequence, `shape=(nfev, n_features)`.
    funv: np.ndarray  #: Objective function values at points `xv`.
    model: Optional[list[_SklearnLikeRegressor]]  #: The optimization model(s) used, if any.

Optimization result. Most fields are inherited from scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult, with additional attributes: xv, funv, model.


  • scipy.optimize._optimize.OptimizeResult
  • scipy._lib._util._RichResult
  • builtins.dict

Class variables

var fun : numpy.ndarray

Value of objective function at x, aka the observed minimum.

var funv : numpy.ndarray

Objective function values at points xv.

var message : str

More detailed cause of optimization termination.

var model : list[sambo._util._SklearnLikeRegressor] | None

The optimization model(s) used, if any.

var nfev : int

Number of objective function evaluations.

var nit : int

Number of iterations performed by the optimization algorithm.

var success : bool

Whether or not the optimizer exited successfully.

var x : numpy.ndarray

The solution of the optimization, shape=(n_features,).

var xv : numpy.ndarray

All the parameter sets that have been tried, in sequence, shape=(nfev, n_features).

class Optimizer (fun: Callable[[numpy.ndarray], float] | None,
x0: tuple[float] | list[tuple[float]] | None = None,
args: tuple = (),
bounds: list[tuple] | None = None,
constraints: Callable[[numpy.ndarray], bool] | scipy.optimize._constraints.NonlinearConstraint | None = None,
max_iter: int = 2147483647,
n_init: int | None = None,
n_candidates: int | None = None,
n_iter_no_change: int = 5,
n_models: int = 1,
tol: float = 1e-06,
estimator: Literal['gp', 'et', 'gb'] | sambo._util._SklearnLikeRegressor = None,
y0: float | list[float] | None = None,
callback: Callable[[sambo._util.OptimizeResult], bool] | None = None,
n_jobs: int = 1,
disp: bool = False,
rng: int | numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState | numpy.random._generator.Generator | None = None)
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class Optimizer:
    A sequential optimizer that optimizes an objective function using a surrogate model.

    fun : Callable[[np.ndarray], float], optional
        Objective function to minimize. Must take a single array-like argument
        x (parameter combination) and return a scalar y (cost value).

        When unspecified, the Optimizer can be used iteratively in an ask-tell
        fashion using the methods named respectively.

    x0 : tuple | list[tuple], optional
        Initial guess(es) or starting point(s) for the optimization.

    args : tuple, optional
        Additional arguments to pass to the objective function and constraints.

    bounds : list[tuple], optional
        Bounds for the decision variables. A sequence of (min, max) pairs for each dimension.

    constraints : Callable[[np.ndarray], bool], optional
        Function representing constraints.
        Must return True iff the parameter combination x satisfies the constraints.

    max_iter : int, optional
        Maximum number of iterations allowed.

    n_init : int, optional
        Number of initial evaluations of the objective function before
        first fitting the surrogate model.

    n_candidates : int, optional
        Number of candidate solutions generated per iteration.

    n_iter_no_change : int, default 10
        Number of iterations with no improvement before stopping.

    n_models : int, default 1
        Number of most-recently-generated surrogate models to use for
        next best-point prediction. Useful for small and
        randomized estimators such as `"et"` with no fixed `rng=`.

    tol : float, default FLOAT32_PRECISION
        Tolerance for convergence. Optimization stops when
        found optimum improvements are below this threshold.

    estimator : {'gp', 'et', 'gb'} or scikit-learn-like regressor, default='gp'
        Surrogate model for the optimizer.
        Popular options include "gp" (Gaussian process), "et" (extra trees),
        or "gb" (gradient boosting).

        You can also provide your own regressor with a scikit-learn API,
        (namely `fit()` and `predict()` methods).

    y0 : float or tuple[float], optional
        Initial value(s) of the objective function corresponding to `x0`.

    callback : Callable[[OptimizeResult], bool], optional
        A callback function that is called after each iteration.
        The optimization stops If the callback returns True or
        raises `StopIteration`.

    n_jobs : int, default 1
        Number of objective function evaluations to run in parallel.
        Most applicate when n_candidates > 1.

    disp : bool, default False
        Display progress and intermediate results.

    rng : int or np.random.RandomState or np.random.Generator, optional
        Random number generator or seed for reproducibility.

    >>> from sambo import Optimizer
    >>> def objective_func(x):
    ...     return sum(x**2)
    >>> optimizer = Optimizer(fun=objective_func, bounds=[(-5, 5), (-5, 5)])
    >>> result =

    Using the ask-tell interface:
    >>> optimizer = Optimizer(fun=None, bounds=[(-5, 5), (-5, 5)])
    >>> suggested_x = optimizer.ask()
    >>> y = [objective_func(x) for x in suggested_x]
    >>> optimizer.tell(y, suggested_x)
    def __init__(
            fun: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], float]],
            x0: Optional[tuple[float] | list[tuple[float]]] = None,
            args: tuple = (),
            bounds: Optional[list[tuple]] = None,
            constraints: Optional[Callable[[np.ndarray], bool] | NonlinearConstraint] = None,
            max_iter: int = INT32_MAX,
            n_init: Optional[int] = None,
            n_candidates: Optional[int] = None,
            n_iter_no_change: int = 5,
            n_models: int = 1,
            tol: float = FLOAT32_PRECISION,
            estimator: Literal['gp', 'et', 'gb'] | _SklearnLikeRegressor = None,
            y0: Optional[float | list[float]] = None,
            callback: Optional[Callable[[OptimizeResult], bool]] = None,
            n_jobs: int = 1,
            disp: bool = False,
            rng: Optional[int | np.random.RandomState | np.random.Generator] = None,
        assert fun is None or callable(fun), fun
        assert x0 is not None or bounds is not None, "Either x0= or bounds= must be provided"
        constraints = _sanitize_constraints(constraints)
        assert constraints is None or callable(constraints), constraints
        assert isinstance(max_iter, Integral) and max_iter > 0, max_iter
        assert isinstance(tol, Real) and 0 <= tol, tol
        assert isinstance(n_iter_no_change, int) and n_iter_no_change > 0, n_iter_no_change
        assert callback is None or callable(callback), callback
        assert isinstance(n_jobs, Integral) and n_jobs != 0, n_jobs
        assert isinstance(rng, (Integral, np.random.RandomState, np.random.Generator, type(None))), rng

        assert n_init is None or isinstance(n_init, Integral) and n_init >= 0, n_init
        assert n_candidates is None or isinstance(n_candidates, Integral) and n_candidates > 0, n_candidates
        assert estimator is None or isinstance(estimator, (str, _SklearnLikeRegressor)), estimator
        assert isinstance(n_models, Integral) and n_models > 0, n_models

        bounds, x0, y0 = _check_bounds(bounds, x0, y0)
        rng = _check_random_state(rng)

        if n_init is None:
            n_init = (0 if not callable(fun) else
                      min(max(1, max_iter - 20),
                          int(40 * len(bounds) * max(1, np.log2(len(bounds))))))
        assert max_iter >= n_init, (max_iter, n_init)

        if n_candidates is None:
            n_candidates = max(1, int(np.log10(len(bounds))))

        if estimator is None or isinstance(estimator, str):
            from sambo._estimators import _estimator_factory

            estimator = _estimator_factory(estimator, bounds, rng)
        assert isinstance(estimator, _SklearnLikeRegressor), estimator

        # Objective function can be None for the real-life function trials using ask-tell API
        fun = None if fun is None else _ParallelFuncWrapper(
            n_jobs, args,
        ) = fun
        self.x0 = x0
        self.y0 = y0
        self.bounds = bounds
        self.constraints = constraints
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.n_init = n_init
        self.n_candidates = n_candidates
        self.n_iter_no_change = n_iter_no_change
        self.tol = tol
        self.estimator = estimator
        self.estimators = []
        self.n_models = n_models
        self.callback = callback
        self.n_jobs = n_jobs
        self.disp = disp
        self.rng = rng

        X, y = [], []
        if y0 is not None:
            y0 = np.atleast_1d(y0)
            assert x0 is not None and len(x0) == len(y0), (x0, y0)
            x0 = np.atleast_2d(x0)
            assert len(x0) == len(y0), (x0, y0)
            X, y = list(x0), list(y0)

        self._X_ask = []
        # Known points
        self._X = X
        self._y = y
        assert len(X) == len(y), (X, y)

        self._kde = None
        self._prev_y_min = np.inf

        # Cache methods on the _instance_
        self._init_once = lru_cache(1)(self._init_once)
        self.top_k = lru_cache(1)(self.top_k)

    def _init_once(self):
        assert not self.n_init or callable(, (self.n_init,
        if not self.n_init:
        x0, n_init = self.x0, self.n_init
        if self.y0 is not None:
            # x0, y0 already added to _X, _Y in __init__
            x0, n_init = None, max(0, self.n_init - len(self.x0))
        if n_init:
            X = _initialize_population(self.bounds, n_init, self.constraints, x0, self.rng)
            y =

    def _fit(self):
        from sklearn import clone

        estimator = self.estimator
        if self.n_models > 1 and hasattr(estimator, 'random_state'):
            estimator = clone(self.estimator)
            estimator.random_state = self.rng.randint(10000000), self._y)

        if len(self.estimators) > self.n_models:


    def _predict(self, X):
        means, stds, masks = [], [], []
        for estimator in self.estimators:
            X_batched = [X[i:i+10_000] for i in range(0, len(X), 10_000)]
                mean, std = np.concatenate(
                    [estimator.predict(X, return_std=True) for X in X_batched], axis=1)
            except TypeError as exc:
                if 'return_std' not in exc.args[0]:
                mean, std = np.concatenate([estimator.predict(X) for X in X_batched]), 0
                mask = np.ones_like(mean, dtype=bool)
                # Only suggest new/unknown points
                mask = std != 0


        mask = np.any(masks, axis=0)
        mean = np.mean(means, axis=0)
        std = np.mean(stds, axis=0)

        if mask.any() and not mask.all():
            X, mean, std = X[mask], mean[mask], std[mask]

        return X, mean, std

    #: Acquisition functions for selecting the best candidates from the sample.
    #: Currently defined keys:
    #: `"LCB"` — **lower confidence bound** (an inverse analog of "UCB")
    #: which orders candidates by `mean - kappa * std`.
    #: [//]: # (No blank line here! bug in pdoc)
    #: .. note::
    #:      To make any use of the `kappa` parameter, it is important for the
    #:      estimator's `predict()` method to implement `return_std=` behavior.
    #:      All built-in estimators (`"gp"`, `"et"`, `"gb"`) do so.
    ACQ_FUNCS: dict = {
        'LCB': _LCB,

    def ask(
            n_candidates: Optional[int] = None,
            acq_func: Optional[Callable] = ACQ_FUNCS['LCB'],
            kappa: float | list[float] = 0,
    ) -> np.ndarray:
        Propose candidate solutions for the next objective evaluation based on
        the current surrogate model(s) and acquisition function.

        n_candidates : int, optional
            Number of candidate solutions to propose.
            If not specified, the default value set during initialization is used.

        acq_func : Callable, default ACQ_FUNCS['LCB']
            Acquisition function used to guide the selection of candidate solutions.
            By default, lower confidence bound (i.e. `mean - kappa * std` where `mean`
            and `std` are surrogate models' predicted results).

            .. tip::
                [See the source][_ghs] for how `ACQ_FUNCS['LCB']` is implemeted.
                The passed parameters are open to extension to accommodate
                alternative acquisition functions.


        kappa : float or list[float], default 0
            The lower-confidence-bound parameter, used by `acq_func`, that
            balances exploration (<0) vs exploitation (>0).

            Can also be an array of values to use sequentially for `n_cadidates`.

            An array of shape `(n_candidates, n_bounds)` containing the proposed
            candidate solutions.

        Candidates are proposed in parallel according to `n_jobs` when `n_candidates > 1`.

        >>> candidates = optimizer.ask(n_candidates=2, kappa=2)
        >>> candidates
        array([[ 1.1, -0.2],
               [ 0.8,  0.1]])
        if n_candidates is None:
            n_candidates = self.n_candidates
        assert isinstance(n_candidates, Integral) and n_candidates > 0, n_candidates
        assert isinstance(kappa, (Real, Iterable)), kappa

        n_points = min(self.MAX_POINTS_PER_ITER,
                       self.POINTS_PER_DIM * int(len(self.bounds)**2))  # TODO: Make this a param?
        nfev = len(self._X)
        if nfev < 10 * len(self.bounds)**2:
            X = _sample_population(self.bounds, n_points, self.constraints, self.rng)
            y_min = np.min(self._y)
            if self._kde is None or (nfev < 200 or nfev % 5 == 0 or y_min < self._prev_y_min):
                self._prev_y_min = y_min
                self._kde = recompute_kde(np.array(self._X), np.array(self._y))
            X = weighted_uniform_sampling(
                self._kde, self.bounds, n_points, self.constraints, self.rng)

        X, mean, std = self._predict(X)
        criterion = acq_func(mean=mean, std=std, kappa=kappa)
        n_candidates = min(n_candidates, criterion.shape[1])
        best_indices = np.take_along_axis(
            partitioned_inds := np.argpartition(criterion, n_candidates - 1)[:, :n_candidates],
            np.argsort(np.take_along_axis(criterion, partitioned_inds, axis=1)),
        X = X[best_indices]
        X = X[:n_candidates]
        self._X_ask.extend(map(tuple, X))
        return X

    #: In `Optimizer.ask()`, sample this many points (per dimension) and
    #: use the estimator to _predict_ the objective values.
    POINTS_PER_DIM = 20_000

    #: In `Optimizer.ask()`, sample _at most_ this many points. This increases
    #: computation time, but may also improve precision and convergence significantly.
    MAX_POINTS_PER_ITER = 80_000

    def tell(self, y: float | list[float],
             x: Optional[float | tuple[float] | list[tuple[float]]] = None):
        Provide incremental feedback to the optimizer by reporting back the objective
        function values (`y`) at suggested or new candidate points (`x`).

        This allows the optimizer to refine its underlying model(s) and better
        guide subsequent proposals.

        y : float or list[float]
            The observed value(s) of the objective function.

        x : float or list[float], optional
            The input point(s) corresponding to the observed objective function values `y`.
            If omitted, the optimizer assumes that the `y` values correspond
            to the most recent candidates proposed by the `ask` method (FIFO).

            .. warning::
                The function first takes `y`, then `x`, not the other way around!

        >>> candidates = optimizer.ask(n_candidates=3)
        >>> ... # Evaluate candidate solutions IRL and tell it to the optimizer
        >>> objective_values = [1.7, 3, .8]
        >>> optimizer.tell(y=objective_values, x=candidates)
        y = np.atleast_1d(y)
        assert y.ndim == 1, 'y= should be at most 1-dimensional'
        if x is None:
            if not self._X_ask:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f'`{self.tell.__qualname__}(y, x=None)` only allowed as many '
                    f'times as `{self.ask.__qualname__}()` was called beforehand')
            for x, yval in zip(tuple(self._X_ask), y):
            x = np.atleast_2d(x)
            assert len(x) == len(y), 'y= and x= (if provided) must contain the same number of items'
            for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
                except (ValueError, IndexError):

    def run(self, *,
            max_iter: Optional[int] = None,
            n_candidates: Optional[int] = None) -> OptimizeResult:
        Execute the optimization process for (at most) a specified number of iterations
        (function evaluations) and return the optimization result.

        This method performs sequential optimization by iteratively proposing candidates using
        method `ask()`, evaluating the objective function, and updating the optimizer state
        with method `tell()`.
        This continues until the maximum number of iterations (`max_iter`) is reached or other
        stopping criteria are met.

        This method encapsulates the entire optimization workflow, making it convenient
        to use when you don't need fine-grained control over individual steps (`ask` and `tell`).
        It cycles between exploration and exploitation by random sampling `kappa` appropriately.

        max_iter : int, optional
            The maximum number of iterations to perform. If not specified, the
            default value provided during initialization is used.

        n_candidates : int, optional
            Number of candidates to propose and evaluate in each iteration. If not specified,
            the default value provided during initialization is used.

        OptimizeResult: OptimizeResult
            Results of the optimization process.

        Run an optimization with a specified number of iterations:
        >>> result =
        >>> print(result.x,  # Best x, y
        max_iter = max_iter if max_iter is not None else 0 if is None else self.max_iter
        assert callable( or max_iter == 0, "Can't run optimizer when fun==None. Can only use ask-tell API."
        assert n_candidates is None or isinstance(n_candidates, Integral) and n_candidates > 0, n_candidates
        assert max_iter is None or isinstance(max_iter, Integral) and max_iter >= 0, max_iter

        n_candidates = n_candidates or self.n_candidates
        success = True
        message = "Optimization hadn't been started"
        iteration = 0
        prev_best_value = np.inf
        no_change = 0
            for iteration in range(1, max_iter + 1):
                coefs = [self.rng.uniform(-2, 2) for i in range(n_candidates)]
                X = self.ask(n_candidates, kappa=coefs)
                y =

                best_value = min(self._y)
                if self.tol and prev_best_value - best_value < self.tol or prev_best_value == best_value:
                    no_change += 1
                    if no_change == self.n_iter_no_change:
                        message = 'Optimization converged (y_prev[n_iter_no_change] - y_best < tol)'
                    assert best_value < prev_best_value
                    no_change = 0
                    prev_best_value = best_value

                if self.disp:
                    print(f"{__package__}: {self.estimator.__class__.__name__} "
                          f"nit:{iteration}, nfev:{}, "
        except _ObjectiveFunctionWrapper.CallbackStopIteration:
            message = 'Optimization callback returned True'
        except _ObjectiveFunctionWrapper.MaximumFunctionEvaluationsReached:
            message = f'Maximum function evaluations reached (max_iter = {max_iter})'
            success = False
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            message = 'KeyboardInterrupt'
            success = False

        if len(self._X) == 0 and is not None:
            # We were interrupted before ._init_once() could finish
            self._X =
            self._y =

        x, y = self.top_k(1)
        result = OptimizeResult(
            nfev=len(self._y) - (len(self.y0) if self.y0 is not None else 0),
        return result

    def top_k(self, k: int = 1):
        Based on their objective function values,
        retrieve the top-k best solutions found by the optimization process so far.

        k : int, default 1
            The number of top solutions to retrieve.
            If `k` exceeds the number of evaluated solutions,
            all available solutions are returned.

        X : np.ndarray
            A list of best points with shape `(k, n_bounds)`.
        y : np.ndarray
            Objective values at points of `X`.

        Retrieve the best solution:
        >>> best_x, best_y = optimizer.top_k(1)
        assert isinstance(k, Integral) and k > 0, k
        best_index = np.argsort(self._y)
        index = slice(0, k) if k > 1 else (k - 1)
        return self._X[best_index[index]], self._y[best_index[index]]

A sequential optimizer that optimizes an objective function using a surrogate model.


fun : Callable[[np.ndarray], float], optional

Objective function to minimize. Must take a single array-like argument x (parameter combination) and return a scalar y (cost value).

When unspecified, the Optimizer can be used iteratively in an ask-tell fashion using the methods named respectively.

x0 : tuple | list[tuple], optional
Initial guess(es) or starting point(s) for the optimization.
args : tuple, optional
Additional arguments to pass to the objective function and constraints.
bounds : list[tuple], optional
Bounds for the decision variables. A sequence of (min, max) pairs for each dimension.
constraints : Callable[[np.ndarray], bool], optional
Function representing constraints. Must return True iff the parameter combination x satisfies the constraints.
max_iter : int, optional
Maximum number of iterations allowed.
n_init : int, optional
Number of initial evaluations of the objective function before first fitting the surrogate model.
n_candidates : int, optional
Number of candidate solutions generated per iteration.
n_iter_no_change : int, default 10
Number of iterations with no improvement before stopping.
n_models : int, default 1
Number of most-recently-generated surrogate models to use for next best-point prediction. Useful for small and randomized estimators such as "et" with no fixed rng=.
tol : float, default FLOAT32_PRECISION
Tolerance for convergence. Optimization stops when found optimum improvements are below this threshold.
estimator : {'gp', 'et', 'gb'} or scikit-learn-like regressor, default='gp'

Surrogate model for the optimizer. Popular options include "gp" (Gaussian process), "et" (extra trees), or "gb" (gradient boosting).

You can also provide your own regressor with a scikit-learn API, (namely fit() and predict() methods).

y0 : float or tuple[float], optional
Initial value(s) of the objective function corresponding to x0.
callback : Callable[[OptimizeResult], bool], optional
A callback function that is called after each iteration. The optimization stops If the callback returns True or raises StopIteration.
n_jobs : int, default 1
Number of objective function evaluations to run in parallel. Most applicate when n_candidates > 1.
disp : bool, default False
Display progress and intermediate results.
rng : int or np.random.RandomState or np.random.Generator, optional
Random number generator or seed for reproducibility.


>>> from sambo import Optimizer
>>> def objective_func(x):
...     return sum(x**2)
>>> optimizer = Optimizer(fun=objective_func, bounds=[(-5, 5), (-5, 5)])
>>> result =

Using the ask-tell interface:

>>> optimizer = Optimizer(fun=None, bounds=[(-5, 5), (-5, 5)])
>>> suggested_x = optimizer.ask()
>>> y = [objective_func(x) for x in suggested_x]
>>> optimizer.tell(y, suggested_x)

Class variables

var ACQ_FUNCS : dict

Acquisition functions for selecting the best candidates from the sample. Currently defined keys: "LCB"lower confidence bound (an inverse analog of "UCB") which orders candidates by mean - kappa * std.


To make any use of the kappa parameter, it is important for the estimator's predict() method to implement return_std= behavior. All built-in estimators ("gp", "et", "gb") do so.


In Optimizer.ask(), sample at most this many points. This increases computation time, but may also improve precision and convergence significantly.


In Optimizer.ask(), sample this many points (per dimension) and use the estimator to predict the objective values.


def ask(self,
n_candidates: int | None = None,
acq_func: Callable | None = <function _LCB>,
kappa: float | list[float] = 0) ‑> numpy.ndarray
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def ask(
        n_candidates: Optional[int] = None,
        acq_func: Optional[Callable] = ACQ_FUNCS['LCB'],
        kappa: float | list[float] = 0,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Propose candidate solutions for the next objective evaluation based on
    the current surrogate model(s) and acquisition function.

    n_candidates : int, optional
        Number of candidate solutions to propose.
        If not specified, the default value set during initialization is used.

    acq_func : Callable, default ACQ_FUNCS['LCB']
        Acquisition function used to guide the selection of candidate solutions.
        By default, lower confidence bound (i.e. `mean - kappa * std` where `mean`
        and `std` are surrogate models' predicted results).

        .. tip::
            [See the source][_ghs] for how `ACQ_FUNCS['LCB']` is implemeted.
            The passed parameters are open to extension to accommodate
            alternative acquisition functions.


    kappa : float or list[float], default 0
        The lower-confidence-bound parameter, used by `acq_func`, that
        balances exploration (<0) vs exploitation (>0).

        Can also be an array of values to use sequentially for `n_cadidates`.

        An array of shape `(n_candidates, n_bounds)` containing the proposed
        candidate solutions.

    Candidates are proposed in parallel according to `n_jobs` when `n_candidates > 1`.

    >>> candidates = optimizer.ask(n_candidates=2, kappa=2)
    >>> candidates
    array([[ 1.1, -0.2],
           [ 0.8,  0.1]])
    if n_candidates is None:
        n_candidates = self.n_candidates
    assert isinstance(n_candidates, Integral) and n_candidates > 0, n_candidates
    assert isinstance(kappa, (Real, Iterable)), kappa

    n_points = min(self.MAX_POINTS_PER_ITER,
                   self.POINTS_PER_DIM * int(len(self.bounds)**2))  # TODO: Make this a param?
    nfev = len(self._X)
    if nfev < 10 * len(self.bounds)**2:
        X = _sample_population(self.bounds, n_points, self.constraints, self.rng)
        y_min = np.min(self._y)
        if self._kde is None or (nfev < 200 or nfev % 5 == 0 or y_min < self._prev_y_min):
            self._prev_y_min = y_min
            self._kde = recompute_kde(np.array(self._X), np.array(self._y))
        X = weighted_uniform_sampling(
            self._kde, self.bounds, n_points, self.constraints, self.rng)

    X, mean, std = self._predict(X)
    criterion = acq_func(mean=mean, std=std, kappa=kappa)
    n_candidates = min(n_candidates, criterion.shape[1])
    best_indices = np.take_along_axis(
        partitioned_inds := np.argpartition(criterion, n_candidates - 1)[:, :n_candidates],
        np.argsort(np.take_along_axis(criterion, partitioned_inds, axis=1)),
    X = X[best_indices]
    X = X[:n_candidates]
    self._X_ask.extend(map(tuple, X))
    return X

Propose candidate solutions for the next objective evaluation based on the current surrogate model(s) and acquisition function.


n_candidates : int, optional
Number of candidate solutions to propose. If not specified, the default value set during initialization is used.
acq_func : Callable, default ACQ_FUNCS['LCB']

Acquisition function used to guide the selection of candidate solutions. By default, lower confidence bound (i.e. mean - kappa * std where mean and std are surrogate models' predicted results).


See the source for how ACQ_FUNCS['LCB'] is implemeted. The passed parameters are open to extension to accommodate alternative acquisition functions.

kappa : float or list[float], default 0

The lower-confidence-bound parameter, used by acq_func, that balances exploration (<0) vs exploitation (>0).

Can also be an array of values to use sequentially for n_cadidates.


An array of shape (n_candidates, n_bounds) containing the proposed candidate solutions.


Candidates are proposed in parallel according to n_jobs when n_candidates > 1.


>>> candidates = optimizer.ask(n_candidates=2, kappa=2)
>>> candidates
array([[ 1.1, -0.2],
       [ 0.8,  0.1]])
def run(self, *, max_iter: int | None = None, n_candidates: int | None = None) ‑> sambo._util.OptimizeResult
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def run(self, *,
        max_iter: Optional[int] = None,
        n_candidates: Optional[int] = None) -> OptimizeResult:
    Execute the optimization process for (at most) a specified number of iterations
    (function evaluations) and return the optimization result.

    This method performs sequential optimization by iteratively proposing candidates using
    method `ask()`, evaluating the objective function, and updating the optimizer state
    with method `tell()`.
    This continues until the maximum number of iterations (`max_iter`) is reached or other
    stopping criteria are met.

    This method encapsulates the entire optimization workflow, making it convenient
    to use when you don't need fine-grained control over individual steps (`ask` and `tell`).
    It cycles between exploration and exploitation by random sampling `kappa` appropriately.

    max_iter : int, optional
        The maximum number of iterations to perform. If not specified, the
        default value provided during initialization is used.

    n_candidates : int, optional
        Number of candidates to propose and evaluate in each iteration. If not specified,
        the default value provided during initialization is used.

    OptimizeResult: OptimizeResult
        Results of the optimization process.

    Run an optimization with a specified number of iterations:
    >>> result =
    >>> print(result.x,  # Best x, y
    max_iter = max_iter if max_iter is not None else 0 if is None else self.max_iter
    assert callable( or max_iter == 0, "Can't run optimizer when fun==None. Can only use ask-tell API."
    assert n_candidates is None or isinstance(n_candidates, Integral) and n_candidates > 0, n_candidates
    assert max_iter is None or isinstance(max_iter, Integral) and max_iter >= 0, max_iter

    n_candidates = n_candidates or self.n_candidates
    success = True
    message = "Optimization hadn't been started"
    iteration = 0
    prev_best_value = np.inf
    no_change = 0
        for iteration in range(1, max_iter + 1):
            coefs = [self.rng.uniform(-2, 2) for i in range(n_candidates)]
            X = self.ask(n_candidates, kappa=coefs)
            y =

            best_value = min(self._y)
            if self.tol and prev_best_value - best_value < self.tol or prev_best_value == best_value:
                no_change += 1
                if no_change == self.n_iter_no_change:
                    message = 'Optimization converged (y_prev[n_iter_no_change] - y_best < tol)'
                assert best_value < prev_best_value
                no_change = 0
                prev_best_value = best_value

            if self.disp:
                print(f"{__package__}: {self.estimator.__class__.__name__} "
                      f"nit:{iteration}, nfev:{}, "
    except _ObjectiveFunctionWrapper.CallbackStopIteration:
        message = 'Optimization callback returned True'
    except _ObjectiveFunctionWrapper.MaximumFunctionEvaluationsReached:
        message = f'Maximum function evaluations reached (max_iter = {max_iter})'
        success = False
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
        message = 'KeyboardInterrupt'
        success = False

    if len(self._X) == 0 and is not None:
        # We were interrupted before ._init_once() could finish
        self._X =
        self._y =

    x, y = self.top_k(1)
    result = OptimizeResult(
        nfev=len(self._y) - (len(self.y0) if self.y0 is not None else 0),
    return result

Execute the optimization process for (at most) a specified number of iterations (function evaluations) and return the optimization result.

This method performs sequential optimization by iteratively proposing candidates using method ask(), evaluating the objective function, and updating the optimizer state with method tell(). This continues until the maximum number of iterations (max_iter) is reached or other stopping criteria are met.

This method encapsulates the entire optimization workflow, making it convenient to use when you don't need fine-grained control over individual steps (ask and tell). It cycles between exploration and exploitation by random sampling kappa appropriately.


max_iter : int, optional
The maximum number of iterations to perform. If not specified, the default value provided during initialization is used.
n_candidates : int, optional
Number of candidates to propose and evaluate in each iteration. If not specified, the default value provided during initialization is used.


OptimizeResult : OptimizeResult
Results of the optimization process.


Run an optimization with a specified number of iterations:

>>> result =
>>> print(result.x,  # Best x, y
def tell(self,
y: float | list[float],
x: float | tuple[float] | list[tuple[float]] | None = None)
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def tell(self, y: float | list[float],
         x: Optional[float | tuple[float] | list[tuple[float]]] = None):
    Provide incremental feedback to the optimizer by reporting back the objective
    function values (`y`) at suggested or new candidate points (`x`).

    This allows the optimizer to refine its underlying model(s) and better
    guide subsequent proposals.

    y : float or list[float]
        The observed value(s) of the objective function.

    x : float or list[float], optional
        The input point(s) corresponding to the observed objective function values `y`.
        If omitted, the optimizer assumes that the `y` values correspond
        to the most recent candidates proposed by the `ask` method (FIFO).

        .. warning::
            The function first takes `y`, then `x`, not the other way around!

    >>> candidates = optimizer.ask(n_candidates=3)
    >>> ... # Evaluate candidate solutions IRL and tell it to the optimizer
    >>> objective_values = [1.7, 3, .8]
    >>> optimizer.tell(y=objective_values, x=candidates)
    y = np.atleast_1d(y)
    assert y.ndim == 1, 'y= should be at most 1-dimensional'
    if x is None:
        if not self._X_ask:
            raise RuntimeError(
                f'`{self.tell.__qualname__}(y, x=None)` only allowed as many '
                f'times as `{self.ask.__qualname__}()` was called beforehand')
        for x, yval in zip(tuple(self._X_ask), y):
        x = np.atleast_2d(x)
        assert len(x) == len(y), 'y= and x= (if provided) must contain the same number of items'
        for xi, yi in zip(x, y):
            except (ValueError, IndexError):

Provide incremental feedback to the optimizer by reporting back the objective function values (y) at suggested or new candidate points (x).

This allows the optimizer to refine its underlying model(s) and better guide subsequent proposals.


y : float or list[float]
The observed value(s) of the objective function.
x : float or list[float], optional

The input point(s) corresponding to the observed objective function values y. If omitted, the optimizer assumes that the y values correspond to the most recent candidates proposed by the ask method (FIFO).


The function first takes y, then x, not the other way around!


>>> candidates = optimizer.ask(n_candidates=3)
>>> ... # Evaluate candidate solutions IRL and tell it to the optimizer
>>> objective_values = [1.7, 3, .8]
>>> optimizer.tell(y=objective_values, x=candidates)
def top_k(self, k: int = 1)
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def top_k(self, k: int = 1):
    Based on their objective function values,
    retrieve the top-k best solutions found by the optimization process so far.

    k : int, default 1
        The number of top solutions to retrieve.
        If `k` exceeds the number of evaluated solutions,
        all available solutions are returned.

    X : np.ndarray
        A list of best points with shape `(k, n_bounds)`.
    y : np.ndarray
        Objective values at points of `X`.

    Retrieve the best solution:
    >>> best_x, best_y = optimizer.top_k(1)
    assert isinstance(k, Integral) and k > 0, k
    best_index = np.argsort(self._y)
    index = slice(0, k) if k > 1 else (k - 1)
    return self._X[best_index[index]], self._y[best_index[index]]

Based on their objective function values, retrieve the top-k best solutions found by the optimization process so far.


k : int, default 1
The number of top solutions to retrieve. If k exceeds the number of evaluated solutions, all available solutions are returned.


X : np.ndarray
A list of best points with shape (k, n_bounds).
y : np.ndarray
Objective values at points of X.


Retrieve the best solution:

>>> best_x, best_y = optimizer.top_k(1)
class SamboSearchCV (estimator,
param_grid: dict,
max_iter: int = 100,
method: Literal['shgo', 'sceua', 'smbo'] = 'smbo',
rng: int | numpy.random.mtrand.RandomState | numpy.random._generator.Generator | None = None,
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class SamboSearchCV(BaseSearchCV):
    SAMBO hyper-parameter search with cross-validation that can be
    used to **optimize hyperparameters of machine learning estimator pipelines**
    like those of scikit-learn.
    **Similar to `BayesSearchCV`** from _scikit-optimize_ or
    `GridSearchCV` from _scikit-learn_,
    but hopefully **much faster for large parameter spaces**.

    estimator : BaseEstimator
        The base model or pipeline to optimize parameters for.
        It needs to implement `fit()` and `predict()` methods.

    param_grid : dict
        Dictionary with parameters names (str) as keys and lists of parameter
        choices to try as values. Supports both continuous parameter ranges and
        discrete/string parameter enumerations.

    max_iter : int, optional, default=100
        The maximum number of iterations for the optimization.

    method : {'shgo', 'sceua', 'smbo'}, optional, default='smbo'
        The optimization algorithm to use. See method `sambo.minimize()` for comparison.

    rng : int or np.random.RandomState or np.random.RandomGenerator or None, optional
        Random seed for reproducibility.

    **kwargs : dict, optional
        Additional parameters to pass to `BaseSearchCV`
        (`scoring=`, `n_jobs=`, `refit=` `cv=`, `verbose=`, `pre_dispatch=`,
        `error_score=`, `return_train_score=`). For explanation, see documentation
        on [`GridSearchCV`][skl_gridsearchcv].


    opt_result_ : OptimizeResult
        The result of the optimization process.

    See Also
    def __init__(
            param_grid: dict,
            max_iter: int = 100,
            method: Literal['shgo', 'sceua', 'smbo'] = 'smbo',
            rng: Optional[int | np.random.RandomState | np.random.Generator] = None,
        super().__init__(estimator=estimator, **kwargs)
        self.param_grid = param_grid
        self.max_iter = max_iter
        self.method = method
        self.rng = rng

    def _run_search(self, evaluate_candidates):
        import joblib

        @lru_cache(key=joblib.hash)  # TODO: lru_cache(max_iter) objective function calls always??
        def _objective(x):
            res = evaluate_candidates([dict(zip(self.param_grid.keys(), x))])
            y = -res['mean_test_score'][-1]
            nonlocal it
            it += 1
            if self.verbose:
                print(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: it={it}; y={y}; x={x}')
            return y

        bounds = [((sv := sorted(v))[0], sv[-1] + 1) if all(isinstance(i, Integral) for i in v) else
                  ((sv := sorted(v))[0], sv[-1]) if all(isinstance(i, Real) for i in v) else
                  list({i: 1 for i in v})
                  for v in self.param_grid.values()]
        kwargs = {}
        if self.max_iter is not None:
            kwargs = {'max_iter': self.max_iter}

        from ._minimize import minimize

        it = 0
        self.opt_result_ = minimize(
            _objective, bounds=bounds, method=self.method,
            disp=self.verbose, rng=0, **kwargs)

SAMBO hyper-parameter search with cross-validation that can be used to optimize hyperparameters of machine learning estimator pipelines like those of scikit-learn. Similar to BayesSearchCV from scikit-optimize or GridSearchCV from scikit-learn, but hopefully much faster for large parameter spaces.


estimator : BaseEstimator
The base model or pipeline to optimize parameters for. It needs to implement fit() and predict() methods.
param_grid : dict
Dictionary with parameters names (str) as keys and lists of parameter choices to try as values. Supports both continuous parameter ranges and discrete/string parameter enumerations.
max_iter : int, optional, default=100
The maximum number of iterations for the optimization.
method : {'shgo', 'sceua', 'smbo'}, optional, default='smbo'
The optimization algorithm to use. See method minimize() for comparison.
rng : int or np.random.RandomState or np.random.RandomGenerator or None, optional
Random seed for reproducibility.
**kwargs : dict, optional

Additional parameters to pass to BaseSearchCV (scoring=, n_jobs=, refit= cv=, verbose=, pre_dispatch=, error_score=, return_train_score=). For explanation, see documentation on GridSearchCV.


opt_result_ : OptimizeResult
The result of the optimization process.

See Also



  • sklearn.model_selection._search.BaseSearchCV
  • sklearn.base.MetaEstimatorMixin
  • sklearn.base.BaseEstimator
  • sklearn.utils._estimator_html_repr._HTMLDocumentationLinkMixin
  • sklearn.utils._metadata_requests._MetadataRequester