Module sambo.plot

The module contains functions for plotting convergence, regret, partial dependence, sequence of evaluations …


>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> from scipy.optimize import rosen
>>> result = minimize(rosen, bounds=[(-2, 2), (-2, 2)],
...                   constraints=lambda x: sum(x) <= len(x))
>>> plot_convergence(result)
>>> plot_regret(result)
>>> plot_objective(result)
>>> plot_evaluations(result)


def plot_convergence(*results: sambo._util.OptimizeResult | tuple[str, sambo._util.OptimizeResult],
true_minimum: float | None = None,
xscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear',
yscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear') ‑> matplotlib.figure.Figure
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def plot_convergence(
        *results: OptimizeResult | tuple[str, OptimizeResult],
        true_minimum: Optional[float] = None,
        xscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear',
        yscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear',
) -> Figure:
    Plot one or several convergence traces,
    showing how an error estimate evolved during the optimization process.

    *results : OptimizeResult or tuple[str, OptimizeResult]
        The result(s) for which to plot the convergence trace.
        In tuple format, the string is used as the legend label
        for that result.

    true_minimum : float, optional
        The true minimum *value* of the objective function, if known.

    xscale, yscale : {'linear', 'log'}, optional, default='linear'
        The scales for the axes.

    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        The matplotlib figure.

    .. image:: /convergence.svg
    assert results, results

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.set_xlabel("Number of function evaluations $n$")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"$\min\ f(x)$ after $n$ evaluations")
    _set_xscale_yscale(ax, xscale, yscale)


    for i, result in enumerate(results, 1):
        name = f'#{i}' if len(results) > 1 else None
        if isinstance(result, tuple):
            name, result = result
        result = _check_result(result)

        nfev = _check_nfev(result)
        mins = np.minimum.accumulate(result.funv)

        ax.plot(range(1, nfev + 1), mins,
                label=name, marker=next(MARKER), markevery=(.05 + .05*i, .2),
                linestyle='--', alpha=.7, markersize=6, lw=2)

    if true_minimum is not None:
        ax.axhline(true_minimum, color="k", linestyle='--', lw=1, label="True minimum")

    if true_minimum is not None or name is not None:
        ax.legend(loc="upper right")

    return fig

Plot one or several convergence traces, showing how an error estimate evolved during the optimization process.


*results : OptimizeResult or tuple[str, OptimizeResult]
The result(s) for which to plot the convergence trace. In tuple format, the string is used as the legend label for that result.
true_minimum : float, optional
The true minimum value of the objective function, if known.
xscale, yscale : {'linear', 'log'}, optional, default='linear'
The scales for the axes.


fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
The matplotlib figure.


def plot_evaluations(result: sambo._util.OptimizeResult,
bins: int = 10,
names: list[str] | None = None,
plot_dims: list[int] | None = None,
jitter: float = 0.02,
size: int = 1.7,
cmap: str = 'summer') ‑> matplotlib.figure.Figure
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def plot_evaluations(
        result: OptimizeResult,
        bins: int = 10,
        names: Optional[list[str]] = None,
        plot_dims: Optional[list[int]] = None,
        jitter: float = .02,
        size: int = _DEFAULT_SUBPLOT_SIZE,
        cmap: str = 'summer',
) -> Figure:
    """Visualize the order in which points were evaluated during optimization.

    This creates a 2D matrix plot where the diagonal plots are histograms
    that show distribution of samples for each variable.

    Plots below the diagonal are scatter-plots of the sample points,
    with the color indicating the order in which the samples were evaluated.

    A red star shows the best found parameters.

    result : `OptimizeResult`
        The optimization result.

    bins : int, default=10
        Number of bins to use for histograms on the diagonal. This value is
        used for real dimensions, whereas categorical and integer dimensions
        use number of bins equal to their distinct values.

    names : list of str, default=None
        Labels of the dimension variables. Defaults to `['x0', 'x1', ...]`.

    plot_dims : list of int, default=None
        List of dimension indices to be included in the plot.
        Default uses all non-constant dimensions of
        the search-space.

    jitter : float, default=.02
        Ratio of jitter to add to scatter plots.
        Default looks clear for categories of up to about 8 items.

    size : float, default=2
        Height (in inches) of each subplot/facet.

    cmap: str or Colormap, default='summer'
        Color map for the sequence of scatter points.

    .. todo::
        Figure out how to lay out multiple Figure objects side-by-side.
        Alternatively, figure out how to take parameter `ax=` to plot onto.
        Then we can show a plot of evaluations for each of the built-in methods

    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        A 2D matrix of subplots.

    .. image:: /evaluations.svg
    result = _check_result(result)
    space = _check_space(result)
    plot_dims = _check_plot_dims(plot_dims, space._bounds)
    n_dims = len(plot_dims)
    bounds = dict(zip(plot_dims, space._bounds[plot_dims]))

    assert names is None or isinstance(names, Iterable) and len(names) == n_dims, \
        (names, n_dims, plot_dims)

    x_min = space.transform(np.atleast_2d(result.x))[0]
    samples = space.transform(result.xv)
    color = np.arange(len(samples))

    fig, axs = _subplots_grid(n_dims, size, "Sequence & distribution of function evaluations")

    for _i, i in enumerate(plot_dims):
        for _j, j in enumerate(plot_dims[:_i + 1]):
            ax = axs[_i, _j]
            # diagonal histogram
            if i == j:
                # if dim.prior == 'log-uniform':
                #     bins_ = np.logspace(*np.log10(bounds[i]), bins)
                    samples[:, i],
                    bins=(int(bounds[i][1] + 1) if space._is_cat(i) else
                          min(bins, int(bounds[i][1] - bounds[i][0] + 1)) if space._is_int(i) else
                    range=None if space._is_cat(i) else bounds[i]
            # lower triangle scatter plot
            elif i > j:
                x, y = samples[:, j], samples[:, i]
                if jitter:
                    x, y = _maybe_jitter(jitter, (j, x), (i, y), space=space)
                ax.scatter(x, y, c=color, s=40, cmap=cmap, lw=.5, edgecolor='k')
                ax.scatter(x_min[j], x_min[i], c='#d009', s=400, marker='*', lw=.5, edgecolor='k')

    _format_scatter_plot_axes(fig, axs, space, plot_dims=plot_dims, dim_labels=names, size=size)
    return fig

Visualize the order in which points were evaluated during optimization.

This creates a 2D matrix plot where the diagonal plots are histograms that show distribution of samples for each variable.

Plots below the diagonal are scatter-plots of the sample points, with the color indicating the order in which the samples were evaluated.

A red star shows the best found parameters.


result : OptimizeResult
The optimization result.
bins : int, default=10
Number of bins to use for histograms on the diagonal. This value is used for real dimensions, whereas categorical and integer dimensions use number of bins equal to their distinct values.
names : list of str, default=None
Labels of the dimension variables. Defaults to ['x0', 'x1', ...].
plot_dims : list of int, default=None
List of dimension indices to be included in the plot. Default uses all non-constant dimensions of the search-space.
jitter : float, default=.02
Ratio of jitter to add to scatter plots. Default looks clear for categories of up to about 8 items.
size : float, default=2
Height (in inches) of each subplot/facet.
cmap : str or Colormap, default='summer'
Color map for the sequence of scatter points.


Figure out how to lay out multiple Figure objects side-by-side. Alternatively, figure out how to take parameter ax= to plot onto. Then we can show a plot of evaluations for each of the built-in methods (TestDocs.test_make_doc_plots()).


fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
A 2D matrix of subplots.


def plot_objective(result: sambo._util.OptimizeResult,
levels: int = 10,
resolution: int = 16,
n_samples: int = 250,
estimator: str | sambo._util._SklearnLikeRegressor | None = None,
size: float = 1.7,
zscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear',
names: list[str] | None = None,
true_minimum: list[float] | list[list[float]] | None = None,
plot_dims: list[int] | None = None,
plot_max_points: int = 200,
jitter: float = 0.02,
cmap: str = 'viridis_r') ‑> matplotlib.figure.Figure
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def plot_objective(
        result: OptimizeResult,
        levels: int = 10,
        resolution: int = 16,
        n_samples: int = 250,
        estimator: Optional[str | _SklearnLikeRegressor] = None,
        size: float = _DEFAULT_SUBPLOT_SIZE,
        zscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear',
        names: Optional[list[str]] = None,
        true_minimum: Optional[list[float] | list[list[float]]] = None,
        plot_dims: Optional[list[int]] = None,
        plot_max_points: int = 200,
        jitter: float = .02,
        cmap: str = 'viridis_r',
) -> Figure:
    """Plot a 2D matrix of partial dependence plots that show the
    individual influence of each variable on the objective function.

    The diagonal plots show the effect of a single dimension on the
    objective function, while the plots below the diagonal show
    the effect on the objective function when varying two dimensions.

    Partial dependence plot shows how the values of any two variables
    influence `estimator` predictions after "averaging out"
    the influence of all other variables.

    Partial dependence is calculated by averaging the objective value
    for a number of random samples in the search-space,
    while keeping one or two dimensions fixed at regular intervals. This
    averages out the effect of varying the other dimensions and shows
    the influence of just one or two dimensions on the objective function.

    Black dots indicate the points evaluated during optimization.

    A red star indicates the best found minimum (or `true_minimum`,
    if provided).

    .. note::
          Partial dependence plot is only an estimation of the surrogate
          model which in turn is only an estimation of the true objective
          function that has been optimized. This means the plots show
          an "estimate of an estimate" and may therefore be quite imprecise,
          especially if relatively few samples have been collected during the
          optimization, and especially in regions of the search-space
          that have been sparsely sampled (e.g. regions far away from the
          found optimum).

    result : OptimizeResult
        The optimization result.

    levels : int, default=10
        Number of levels to draw on the contour plot, passed directly
        to `plt.contourf()`.

    resolution : int, default=16
        Number of points at which to evaluate the partial dependence
        along each dimension.

    n_samples : int, default=250
        Number of samples to use for averaging the model function
        at each of the `n_points`.

        Last fitted model for estimating the objective function.

    size : float, default=2
        Height (in inches) of each subplot/facet.

    zscale : {'linear', 'log'}, default='linear'
        Scale to use for the z axis of the contour plots.

    names : list of str, default=None
        Labels of the dimension variables. Defaults to `['x0', 'x1', ...]`.

    plot_dims : list of int, default=None
        List of dimension indices to be included in the plot.
        Default uses all non-constant dimensions of
        the search-space.

    true_minimum : list of floats, default=None
        Value(s) of the red point(s) in the plots.
        Default uses best found X parameters from the result.

    plot_max_points: int, default=200
        Plot at most this many randomly-chosen evaluated points
        overlaying the contour plots.

    jitter : float, default=.02
        Amount of jitter to add to categorical and integer dimensions.
        Default looks clear for categories of up to about 8 items.

    cmap: str or Colormap, default='viridis_r'
        Color map for contour plots, passed directly to

    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        A 2D matrix of partial dependence sub-plots.

    .. image:: /objective.svg
    result = _check_result(result)
    space = _check_space(result)
    plot_dims = _check_plot_dims(plot_dims, space._bounds)
    n_dims = len(plot_dims)
    bounds = dict(zip(plot_dims, space._bounds[plot_dims]))

    assert names is None or isinstance(names, Iterable) and len(names) == n_dims, (n_dims, plot_dims, names)

    if true_minimum is None:
        true_minimum = result.x
    true_minimum = np.atleast_2d(true_minimum)
    assert true_minimum.shape[1] == len(result.x), (true_minimum, result)

    true_minimum = space.transform(true_minimum)

    assert isinstance(plot_max_points, Integral) and plot_max_points >= 0, plot_max_points
    rng = np.random.default_rng(0)
    # Sample points to plot, but don't include points exactly at res.x
    inds = np.setdiff1d(
        np.where(np.all(result.xv == result.x, axis=1))[0],
    plot_max_points = min(len(inds), plot_max_points)
    inds = np.sort(rng.choice(inds, plot_max_points, replace=False))

    x_samples = space.transform(result.xv[inds])
    samples = space.sample(n_samples)

    assert zscale in ('log', 'linear', None), zscale
    locator = LogLocator() if zscale == 'log' else None

    fig, axs = _subplots_grid(n_dims, size, "Partial dependence")

    result_estimator = getattr(result, 'model', [None])[-1]
    from sambo._estimators import _estimator_factory

    if estimator is None and result_estimator is not None:
        estimator = result_estimator
        _estimator_arg = estimator
        estimator = _estimator_factory(estimator, bounds, rng=0)
        if result_estimator is None and _estimator_arg is None:
                'The optimization result process does not appear to have been '
                'driven by a model. You can still still observe partial dependence '
                f'of the variables as modeled by estimator={estimator!r}',
                UserWarning, stacklevel=2), result.funv)
    assert isinstance(estimator, _SklearnLikeRegressor), estimator

    for _i, i in enumerate(plot_dims):
        for _j, j in enumerate(plot_dims[:_i + 1]):
            ax = axs[_i, _j]
            # diagonal line plot
            if i == j:
                xi, yi = _partial_dependence(
                    space, bounds, estimator, i, j=None, sample_points=samples, resolution=resolution)
                ax.plot(xi, yi)
                for m in true_minimum:
                    ax.axvline(m[i], linestyle="--", color="r", lw=1)
            # lower triangle contour field
            elif i > j:
                xi, yi, zi = _partial_dependence(
                    space, bounds, estimator, i, j, sample_points=samples, resolution=resolution)
                ax.contourf(xi, yi, zi, levels, locator=locator, cmap=cmap,
                            alpha=(1 - .2 * int(bool(plot_max_points))))
                for m in true_minimum:
                    ax.scatter(m[j], m[i], c='#d00', s=200, lw=.5, marker='*')
                if plot_max_points:
                    x, y = x_samples[:, j], x_samples[:, i]
                    if jitter:
                        x, y = _maybe_jitter(jitter, (j, x), (i, y), space=space)
                    ax.scatter(x, y, c='k', s=12, lw=0, alpha=.5)

    _format_scatter_plot_axes(fig, axs, space, plot_dims=plot_dims, dim_labels=names, size=size)
    return fig

Plot a 2D matrix of partial dependence plots that show the individual influence of each variable on the objective function.

The diagonal plots show the effect of a single dimension on the objective function, while the plots below the diagonal show the effect on the objective function when varying two dimensions.

Partial dependence plot shows how the values of any two variables influence estimator predictions after "averaging out" the influence of all other variables.

Partial dependence is calculated by averaging the objective value for a number of random samples in the search-space, while keeping one or two dimensions fixed at regular intervals. This averages out the effect of varying the other dimensions and shows the influence of just one or two dimensions on the objective function.

Black dots indicate the points evaluated during optimization.

A red star indicates the best found minimum (or true_minimum, if provided).


Partial dependence plot is only an estimation of the surrogate model which in turn is only an estimation of the true objective function that has been optimized. This means the plots show an "estimate of an estimate" and may therefore be quite imprecise, especially if relatively few samples have been collected during the optimization, and especially in regions of the search-space that have been sparsely sampled (e.g. regions far away from the found optimum).


result : OptimizeResult
The optimization result.
levels : int, default=10
Number of levels to draw on the contour plot, passed directly to plt.contourf().
resolution : int, default=16
Number of points at which to evaluate the partial dependence along each dimension.
n_samples : int, default=250
Number of samples to use for averaging the model function at each of the n_points.
Last fitted model for estimating the objective function.
size : float, default=2
Height (in inches) of each subplot/facet.
zscale : {'linear', 'log'}, default='linear'
Scale to use for the z axis of the contour plots.
names : list of str, default=None
Labels of the dimension variables. Defaults to ['x0', 'x1', ...].
plot_dims : list of int, default=None
List of dimension indices to be included in the plot. Default uses all non-constant dimensions of the search-space.
true_minimum : list of floats, default=None
Value(s) of the red point(s) in the plots. Default uses best found X parameters from the result.
plot_max_points : int, default=200
Plot at most this many randomly-chosen evaluated points overlaying the contour plots.
jitter : float, default=.02
Amount of jitter to add to categorical and integer dimensions. Default looks clear for categories of up to about 8 items.
cmap : str or Colormap, default='viridis_r'
Color map for contour plots, passed directly to plt.contourf().


fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
A 2D matrix of partial dependence sub-plots.


def plot_regret(*results: sambo._util.OptimizeResult | tuple[str, sambo._util.OptimizeResult],
true_minimum: float | None = None,
xscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear',
yscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear') ‑> matplotlib.figure.Figure
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def plot_regret(
        *results: OptimizeResult | tuple[str, OptimizeResult],
        true_minimum: Optional[float] = None,
        xscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear',
        yscale: Literal['linear', 'log'] = 'linear',
) -> Figure:
    Plot one or several cumulative [regret] traces.
    Regret is the difference between achieved objective and its optimum.


    *results : OptimizeResult or tuple[str, OptimizeResult]
        The result(s) for which to plot the convergence trace.
        In tuple format, the string is used as the legend label
        for that result.

    true_minimum : float, optional
        The true minimum *value* of the objective function, if known.
        If unspecified, minimum is assumed to be the minimum of the
        values found in `results`.

    xscale, yscale : {'linear', 'log'}, optional, default='linear'
        The scales for the axes.

    fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
        The matplotlib figure.

    .. image:: /regret.svg
    assert results, results

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.gca()
    ax.set_title("Cumulative regret")
    ax.set_xlabel("Number of function evaluations $n$")
    ax.set_ylabel(r"Cumulative regret after $n$ evaluations: "
                  r"$\ \sum_t^n{\,\left[\,f\,\left(x_t\right) - f_{\mathrm{opt}}\,\right]}$")
    _set_xscale_yscale(ax, xscale, yscale)


    if true_minimum is None:
        true_minimum = np.min([
            np.min((r[1] if isinstance(r, tuple) else r).funv)  # TODO ensure funv???
            for r in results

    for i, result in enumerate(results, 1):
        name = f'#{i}' if len(results) > 1 else None
        if isinstance(result, tuple):
            name, result = result
        result = _check_result(result)

        nfev = _check_nfev(result)
        regrets = [np.sum(result.funv[:i] - true_minimum)
                   for i in range(1, nfev + 1)]

        ax.plot(range(1, nfev + 1), regrets,
                label=name, marker=next(MARKER), markevery=(.05 + .05*i, .2),
                linestyle='--', alpha=.7, markersize=6, lw=2)

    if name is not None:
        ax.legend(loc="lower right")

    return fig

Plot one or several cumulative regret traces. Regret is the difference between achieved objective and its optimum.


*results : OptimizeResult or tuple[str, OptimizeResult]
The result(s) for which to plot the convergence trace. In tuple format, the string is used as the legend label for that result.
true_minimum : float, optional
The true minimum value of the objective function, if known. If unspecified, minimum is assumed to be the minimum of the values found in results.
xscale, yscale : {'linear', 'log'}, optional, default='linear'
The scales for the axes.


fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure
The matplotlib figure.
